Evacuation Plans & Diagrams
What is does an Evacuation Plan entail?
Having an evacuation diagram in place that is compliant to AS3745-2010 and specific to your requirements will not only keep your permanent employees, residents and tenants safe, it also provides valuable information for workers and visitors. An Evacuation Plan is a vital part of the emergency procedure and it is required to illustrate all the fire safety reference points such as each exit, firefighting equipment, emergency procedures and the designated assembly area.
Owners Corporations have obligations to protect all occupants, including residences, workers and visitors in the case of an emergency.
Whether it is a factory or the common area of an Owners Corporation, as soon as an employee or contractor steps on site you are required to provide a safe facility. Fire is one of many potential hazards to buildings and the workplace. Having an evacuation plan and procedure in place not only keeps your permanent staff, residents and tenants safe, it also provides valuable information for temporary staff and visitors.
What does Evacuation Plans & Diagrams provide?
An evacuation plan is a vital part of the Emergency procedure, and it is required to illustrate all the following fire safety reference points;
- Each exit of the building.
- The location of manually operated fire alarms (e.g. break glass alarms).
- The designated assembly area outside the building.
- The main route from each alternate exit route to the assembly area
- The location of first attack fire appliances (Extinguishers & Hose Reels)
- Diagrams will include site specific Emergency Response Procedures and when required a separate Evacuation Assembly Area Diagram
Through a comprehensive site inspection Mabi will prepare practical Evacuation Diagrams that are fully compliant to AS3745-2010.
How often must Evacuation diagrams be reviewed ?
Evacuation diagrams must be reviewed every 5 years.